Colors and dimensions
Everybody’s heard about the primary colours, red yellow and blue. With these three colours you can make all the other colours. Paint filters light, the more colours paint you throw together the darker, browner it gets. When you use coloured light instead of paint, you use another set of primary colours.
(Computer)screens, televisions, cameras and projectors use red, green and blue. Also the colours in a website are these same three colours. Using these three colours you can make all colours the human eye can see.
Black-and-white is a lot easier. When you draw a picture and save it in the gray-mode, you only store the amount of white in each point. The more, the whiter. No white, all black, max. white, all white. All grey tints are a balance between those extremes.
In the RGB-colour system you use three values, a single one for each of the colours red, green and blue. In a black and white system there’s only one single grey-value. This reminds me of the way money works.
Imagine, you live in a world that places value on “height”. The higher something is, the more value it possesses. It can be beautiful or ugly, edible or poisonous, round or square and high or low. Energy-rich or energy-poor. Alive or dead. Recyclable or non recyclable.
In the example the height is the only factor that determines value. The rest doesn’t matter. A keyboard is rather low, about 5cm. Just a bit cheaper than a tennis ball. A racket falls down and lies flat and so is cheaper than a keyboard. A pair of golden earrings is even cheaper, because they are lower.
Do you understand this vision? All values are flattened to a single value meter. This value, height is not really important to us, but who are we to judge someone else’s values?
Our own value system, money, is just as primitive. All values are flattened to a single value, one dimension, it’s money-value. This we call black and white money; of all the values that we present originally, only one is fixed and kept. Just like black and white photography and B&W TV.
Dimensions in a spacial world.
We would get a lot further if, just like with colours, we had three separate values: one for red, one for green and one for blue. Then we have three dimensions, three completely different things that are not to be mixed up. If you want to know how big a cube is, you don’t add height, width and length!
We will come to the meaning of the colours later. For now, when you use this system, you find out that “more” isn’t “better. We are looking for balance, equilibrium. This is easier to find if you use less energy (red) and recycle everything (green). That’s easily done if you co-operate. Instead of the classical commercial production chain we use the economic cycle so recycling is incorporated right from the start. This way the whole economical game shifts. Ale rules are re-written. This we call colourcash.