
A lot of people I talked to think about Communism straight away. Here’s the thought process.

Aha, you don’t like Capitalism, the only alternative is Communism. So you are in favour of Communism. But Communism is bad and rotten and out of date to boot. Why don’t you like Capitalism? It’s the best alternative, isn’t it?

This is a common thought process. It’s usually very hard to explain that, form the point of view of colourcash, Capitalism and Communism are very similar, while colourcash is something completely different. Let’s look at some characteristics.

Centralized and “Decentralized”

Capitalism and Communism are both centralized systems. There is a government which decides on emitting money. She makes the rules and regulations. How people get elected, democratically or not, I will leave out of discussion here. The contrast with colourcash is that the individual has to make room for a greater, collective “good”. This is abused, time and again; by the way centralist power works.

Why does it say centralist and not just central? The idea behind it is that they still want you to believe Capitalism is a decentralized system, so not central. Decisions are taken from the top downward, and the top is always smaller than the base. In the end you have no say whatsoever, even if you have the right to vote. The decisions are not taken centrally, but by an executive, bureaucratic organization. (You can recognize these by their three or four letter abbreviations.) For every detail there is a separate authority” authorized” by the central authority. That is why I call this model Centralist and not Central.


Both Communism and Capitalism use the well known Black and White currencies, one dimensional system. In both cases the State is responsible for the emission of these currencies. The currency doesn’t have any meaning as such and is linked to banking or legal constructions to the value of other “one dimensional” currencies.

Colourcash uses the “RGB”, the three dimensional unit in three colours, Red, Blue and Green. Anybody can set up a RGB banking system because its structure is decentralized. Whether and how to exchange with other systems is up to you, but it is possible in theory.

Ownership, State owned and responsibility.

Under the Communist System all property belonged to the state. The result was that John Doe was left with nothing and the Party members kept the luxury goods. Capitalism is the exact same, but it’s called differently. Also here common folk have a lot less than rich people. Whether they have more in one system than in another is not important; in both systems people are confronted with a system they didn’t choose. I was born in Holland but never nominated the European Central Bank.

The notion of Property is relative. People take something “in property” as long as it suits them, but after it is no longer useful, the product is exhausted, it is thrown away and the product is left in an unknown, undesired state. Dumped, let go, or burned.

In colourcash we turn everything upside down. We abandon the whole “Property” concept for “Responsibility”. You no longer can throw away stuff when it suits you. And if you do, we’ll see it on your coloured ledger.

Single-dimensional currencySingle-dimensional currencyThree dimensional currency
Private PropertyState owned propertyResponsibility

There you see, Communism has two basic parts in common with Capitalism. Colourcash is completely different. Conclusion: Capitalism and Communism resemble each other and colourcash doesn’t resemble any of these.